Regional seminar “Challenge or resource? Recent immigrants in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania”

Vilnius, 29 January 2010. Organized by: Institute for Ethnic Studies (Vilnius), Legal Information Centre for Human Rights (Tallinn) and association “Afrolat” (Riga).

Roundtable Discussion “Change in Belarus–EU Relations: A New Horizon or a Tactical Shift?”

Riga, 2 November 2009. Organized by: Soros Foundation – Latvia, “EuroCivitas” and Office for a Democratic Belarus (Brussels).

Meeting of Social Democratic groups in the European parliaments

Stockholm, 8-9 October 2009. Organized by: Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament и Swedish Social Democratic Party.

Седьмая Международная конференция “Евреи в меняющемся мире”

Рига, 27 августа 2009. Организаторы: Центр иудаики ЛУ и Совет еврейских общин Латвии.

Международный круглый стол “Русские Балтии: 20 лет жизни в независимых государствах”

Вильнюс, 8 января 2009. Организатор: Русский культурный центр.

Conference “Article 9 of the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: Access of Minorities to Media in Latvia and in Europe”

Riga, 5 December 2008. Organized by the Secretariat of the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration.