12:58:442019-10-25 12:58:442nd meeting of the Parliamentarian Alliance for Israel 09:41:582019-10-10 09:41:58Konference "Ceļā uz nacionālā plāna izveidi cilvēku tirdzniecības izskaušanai" 11:00:102019-09-12 11:00:10Fifth parliamentary conference on implementing standards of the European Convention on Human Rights: key role of national parliaments 08:38:392019-06-19 08:38:39Dismantling of Communism: lessons of anti-Communist revolutions in Europe and thirty years of the post Communist era. XXIV international conference of the "Baltic Forum" 18:37:392019-06-29 18:38:26Inter-Parliamentary Conference on combating anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism 20:32:312019-04-26 20:41:0812th International Conference on Baltic Sea Cooperation "A Connected Region – Migration and Integration as Challenge for Societies in the Baltic Sea region" 13:07:582019-04-26 11:17:31Diskusija par jaunu sabiedrisko mediju pārvaldības likumu 17:41:402019-09-07 17:45:02Diskusijas pie kafijas tases "Saeimas vēlēšanu patiesība(s) un fakti mediju spogulī"
2nd meeting of the Parliamentarian Alliance for Israel
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsPrague, 24-26 October 2019. Organized by The European Alliance for Israel.
Konference “Ceļā uz nacionālā plāna izveidi cilvēku tirdzniecības izskaušanai”
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRīga, 23.9.2019. Organizēja LR Saeima un Resursu centrs sievietēm MARTA.
Fifth parliamentary conference on implementing standards of the European Convention on Human Rights: key role of national parliaments
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRiga, 9 September 2019. Organized by the PACE.
Dismantling of Communism: lessons of anti-Communist revolutions in Europe and thirty years of the post Communist era. XXIV international conference of the “Baltic Forum”
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsJurmala, 31 May – 1 June 2019. Organized by The Baltic Forum.
Inter-Parliamentary Conference on combating anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsKiev, 5-7 May 2019. Organized by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
12th International Conference on Baltic Sea Cooperation “A Connected Region – Migration and Integration as Challenge for Societies in the Baltic Sea region”
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRiga, 28-29 April 2019. Organized by FES Baltic.
Diskusija par jaunu sabiedrisko mediju pārvaldības likumu
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRīga, 4. aprīlis 2019. Organizēja: Baltic Centre for Media Excellence, Danish Cultural Institute un Embassy of Denmark
French – Baltic Foreign and Security Policy Seminar
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRiga, 15-16 January 2019. Organized by the Latvian Ministry of Defense
Tiesībsarga 2018.gada konference
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRīga, 11.-13.12.2018. Organizēja Latvijas Republikas tiesībsargs
Diskusijas pie kafijas tases “Saeimas vēlēšanu patiesība(s) un fakti mediju spogulī”
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRīga, 28.11.2018. Organizēja NEPLP