Concept of society integration: basic ideas and challenges. A practitioner’s view

Workshop “Shared Societies – Approaches to Minority Related Issues in Europe and Israel”. Berlin, 27-28 September 2016. Organized by Robert Bosch Academy.

Bad behaviour is rewarded? Comparison of minority policies in the Baltic states

Workshop on the Securitisation of Minorities. Budapest, 10 July 2016. Organized by The Tom Lantos Institute.

Parliamentary responses to Antisemitism

International Parliamentary Conference on Combating Antisemitism. Berlin, 13-15 March 2016. Organized by Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism (ICCA).

Minority rights and nationalist movements

Challenges to European security: parliamentary perspectives and responses. Wiston House, 15-17 February 2016. Organized by Wilton Park.

Language policies in Latvia: Lessons for minority protection

International conference:Integration and Exclusion. Linguistic Rights of National Minorities in Europe.
Vilnius, 27 November 2015. Organized by The Association of Polish Academics in Lithuania (SPNL) and International Observatory of Linguistic Rights, University of Moncton.

Проблема беженцев в современной Европе: защита, безопасность, интеграция

Форум „Гражданский мир-2015“. Миграционный кризис. Таллинн, 20 ноября 2015

Downplaying Holocaust in political discourse

Conference: The Holocaust in Public Discourse. Use and Abuse. Budapest, 6 November 2015. Organized by The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).

25 years after Copenhagen: Key issues in minority protection. A practitioner’s view

Conference: The 1990 CSCE Copenhagen Document, East-West encounters and evolutions of the minority regime in Europe. Flensburg, 5-7 June 2015. Organized by European Centre for Minority Issues.

Культурное разнообразие и равенство: современные подходы и стандарты

Семинар “Проблемы обеспечения равенства в странах Восточного партнёрства и возможные подходы к их решению”.
Киев, 2-3 марта и Львов, 5 марта 2015. Организатор: Европейский центр по вопросам меньшинств и Уполномоченный Верховной Рады Украины по правам человека.
Программа (Киев)
Программа (Львов)

Ethnic dimension of political competition and cooperation in the Baltic states

International Conference: Trans-ethnic Coalition-building within and across States. Uppsala, 7-9 January 2015. Organized by Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies and European Centre for Minority Issues.