Conference “Principles of equality and the development of legal standards on equality”
London, 2-5 april 2008. Organized by The Equal Rights Trust.
List of participants
Conference report
London, 2-5 april 2008. Organized by The Equal Rights Trust.
List of participants
Conference report
Amman-Jerusalem-Ramallah-Cairo, 3-7 February 2008. Organized by: Med Bridge Strategy Center.
Rīga, 1.12.2007. Organizēja Vēlēšanu reformas biedrība.
Rīga, 30.11.2007. Organizēja Ētikas Tilts Latvijā”.
Rīga, 1.11.2007. Organizēja Īpašu uzdevumu ministra sabiedribas integrācijas lietās secretariāts.
Bolzano-Bozen, 2-4 October 2007. Organized by the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and European Academy Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC).
List of participants
Riga, 7.-8.09.2007. Organizēja Pasaules Brīvo Latviešu Apvienība un Latvijas Universitāte.
Rīga, 24.08.2007, organizēja Rīgas Juridiskā augstskola.
Brussels, 26 June 2007. Organized by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament.
Rīga, 1.06.2007. Organizēja Resursu centrs sievietēm “Marta” un “Mozaika”.