Kiel: Schleswig-Holsteiniches Institut fur Friedenswissenschaften am der Christian-Albrechts- Universitat, SCHIFF-texte, special issue. 1998, 80 p. 10:02:022019-05-15 11:38:30"Russians" in the Newly Independent States: A bibliography on conflicts and preventive diplomacy (with Hanne-Margret Birchenbach)
The New Yalta: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights in RBEC region. New York: Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS of the UN Development Programme, 1998, pp.127-138. 10:01:302019-05-16 09:30:37Judicial, legislative and educational approaches to overcome discrimination in the Baltic countries
Г.Витковская (ред.). Проблемы становления институтов гражданства в постсоветских государствах. Москва: Московский Центр Карнеги, 1998, стр.115-137. 10:00:592019-05-16 09:34:42Семь лет спустя: Проблемы и перспективы интеграции общества Латвии
M.Opalski (ed). Managing Diversity in Plural Societies: Minorities, Migration and Nation-Building in Post-Communits Europe. Ottawa: Forum Eastern Europe, 1998, pp.33-50. 10:00:312019-05-16 09:37:54The Problem of Citizenship in Latvia (with Aina Antane)
Lars Nyholm (ed). OSCE: A Need for Cooperation. Towards the OSCE’s Common and Comprehensive Security Model for Europe for the Twenty-First Century. Copenhagen: Danish UN Association, 1997, pp.86-98. 09:59:542019-05-16 09:40:50Civil Society and Nationalism in Latvia
East European Politics and Societies, 1997, vol.11, No.2, pp.366-391. 09:59:202019-05-16 09:42:53Patterns of Nation-Building and Political Integration in a Bifurcated post-Communist State: Ethnic Aspect of Parliamentary Elections in Latvia (with Pal Kolsto)
Refugees and Migration in Central and Eastern Europe. Montreal: Canadian Human Rights Foundation, 1997, pp.21-25. 09:58:382019-05-16 09:44:55Attitude Towards Migrants and the Impact of Media in Latvia
Zemes reforma Latvijas pilsētās. Zemes Reformas Vēstnesis. Rīga: ES-PHARE Latvia, 1997, pp.61-62. 09:57:282019-05-16 16:23:15Nepilsoņi un īpašumtiesības Latvijas pilsētās
Tvilsom latvisk integreringspolitikk (in Norwegian)
/in Публикации /by infoOslo: Mennesker og rettigheter, 1998, Argang 16, Nr.3, pp.257-268.
“Russians” in the Newly Independent States: A bibliography on conflicts and preventive diplomacy (with Hanne-Margret Birchenbach)
/in Публикации /by infoKiel: Schleswig-Holsteiniches Institut fur Friedenswissenschaften am der Christian-Albrechts- Universitat, SCHIFF-texte, special issue. 1998, 80 p.
Judicial, legislative and educational approaches to overcome discrimination in the Baltic countries
/in Публикации /by infoThe New Yalta: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights in RBEC region. New York: Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS of the UN Development Programme, 1998, pp.127-138.
Семь лет спустя: Проблемы и перспективы интеграции общества Латвии
/in Публикации /by infoГ.Витковская (ред.). Проблемы становления институтов гражданства в постсоветских государствах. Москва: Московский Центр Карнеги, 1998, стр.115-137.
The Problem of Citizenship in Latvia (with Aina Antane)
/in Публикации /by infoM.Opalski (ed). Managing Diversity in Plural Societies: Minorities, Migration and Nation-Building in Post-Communits Europe. Ottawa: Forum Eastern Europe, 1998, pp.33-50.
Civil Society and Nationalism in Latvia
/in Публикации /by infoLars Nyholm (ed). OSCE: A Need for Cooperation. Towards the OSCE’s Common and Comprehensive Security Model for Europe for the Twenty-First Century. Copenhagen: Danish UN Association, 1997, pp.86-98.
Patterns of Nation-Building and Political Integration in a Bifurcated post-Communist State: Ethnic Aspect of Parliamentary Elections in Latvia (with Pal Kolsto)
/in Публикации /by infoEast European Politics and Societies, 1997, vol.11, No.2, pp.366-391.
Attitude Towards Migrants and the Impact of Media in Latvia
/in Публикации /by infoRefugees and Migration in Central and Eastern Europe. Montreal: Canadian Human Rights Foundation, 1997, pp.21-25.
Латвия: Модель этнополитического мониторинга (соавтор – Айна Антане)
/in Публикации /by infoМосква: Институт этнологии и антропологии РАН, 1997, 124 с.
Nepilsoņi un īpašumtiesības Latvijas pilsētās
/in Публикации /by infoZemes reforma Latvijas pilsētās. Zemes Reformas Vēstnesis. Rīga: ES-PHARE Latvia, 1997, pp.61-62.