MINELRES: Conference Announcement: Intercultural Cities Conference 1-3 May 2008, Liverpool

[email protected] [email protected]
Thu Feb 14 17:32:08 2008

Original sender: Euclid <[email protected]>

Intercultural Cities Conference 1-3 May 2008, Liverpool

An official UK event for the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue

In the cities of today and tomorrow, how can people from different
cultures really live together - rather than just rub along side one

As part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, the
Intercultural Cities Conference, will look at migration, diversity and
urban life in a fresh way.  New thinking is needed on how diverse
communities can co-operate in productive harmony instead of leading
parallel or antagonistic lives.  

The conference is organised by EUCLID and Comedia, in association with
the Liverpool Culture Company, and with the support of the European
Commission and the Council of Europe.

Taking place in this year's European Capital of Culture the conference
will not only provide an opportunity to look at how different cultures
can live together but how mixing can be turned to economic, social and
cultural advantage - key issues particularly for those responsible for
planning and regeneration, the local economy, community cohesion,
education and the cultural services.  

The three day event  will feature various European and international
speakers, such as Ilda Curti, who has frontline experience as both a
manager of urban change projects and is now political head of
integration in Torino, globalisation guru Saskia Sassen, New York Times
writer Gregg Pascal Zachary, the world authority on on cultural
diversity and city planning Leonie Sandercock, Lord Bhikhu Parekh who
says it is time to rethink multiculturalism and Keith Khan, Head of
Culture for the 2012 Olympic Games.  

The conference format will break with convention in pursuit of maximum
interaction between delegates and speakers.  There will also be the
opportunity to get out into Liverpool to see some examples of
intercultural dialogue and delegates can also choose from various extra
activities, such as a dinner at Anfield, the home of Liverpool Football
Club, featuring comedian Shazia Mirza.

Full details can be found at http://inter.culture.info/icc including the
early bird booking fee, only available until 31

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