MINELRES: Congress on language Diversity, Sustainability and Peace. Barcelona May 20-23, 2004

MINELRES moderator [email protected]
Thu Jan 8 15:16:41 2004

Original sender: Josep Cru <[email protected]> 

World Congress on Language Diversity, Sustainability and Peace.
Barcelona May 20-23, 2004

Pre-programme of the Congress at: http://www.linguapax.org

Dear colleagues,

This message is to inform you that the Linguapax Institute and the Forum
of Cultures Barcelona 2004 are organising a World Congress on Language
Diversity, Sustainability and Peace. The Congress will be held in
Barcelona from May 20 to 23, 2004.

Confirmed keynote speakers are:


David Crystal (University of Wales)
Bernard Comrie (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology,
Juan Carlos Moreno Cabrera (Autonomus University of Madrid)

Suzanne Romaine (University of Oxford)
Albert Bastardas (University of Barcelona)

Fernand de Varennes (Murdoch University, Australia)
Miquel Siguan (University of Barcelona).

A *call for papers* period is open until March 1st.


Participants willing to present a communication in the framework of a
specific workshop are invited to submit an abstract of their paper
before March 1st 2004 through electronic mail at [email protected].
- All papers will be reviewed by the Dialogue�s Organising Committee and
by the corresponding workshop coordinator. The results of the selection
will be made public on March 15th.
- Criteria for selection are appropriateness to the central issue of the
workshop, originality, innovativeness and diversity in terms of cultural
or linguistic origin.
- Only two communications will be selected for each worskhop. The time
allocated to each presentation is limited to 30 minutes, followed by a
15 minutes debate.
- Speakers selected through the call for papers process will have to be
registered as regular participants.
- Abstracts will be saved as Word, RTF or Word Perfect documents. They
shall not exceed 1000 words or 6000 characters including spaces and must
be drafted in any of the working languages of the congress (Catalan,
English, French, Spanish). The intended workshop must clearly be
indicated on the top of the front page. Authors must indicate their
current position and join a short paragraph summarizing their


Before April 15: 185 � - From April 15 to May 16: 210� - From May 17:
The fee includes: congress registration and documentation, entry to the
Forum site, coffee breaks and local transportation. Online registration
to this Dialogue will soon be available through the Forum website
(http://www.barcelona2004.org) as well as travel and accommodation
services for those who shall need it. 


Josep Cru
Institut Linguapax
tel. 93 458 95 95
fax. 457 58 51
[email protected]