12:39:142019-08-30 13:04:26Migration and increasing diversity in Europe: underestimated challenges to social democracy
Interparliamentary colloquy “Ethnic minorities in the European citizenship concept”. Brussels, 4-5 December 2003. Organized by the European Parliament. Programme 12:38:572019-08-30 12:52:07National minorities in the EU acceding and candidate countries 12:38:002019-04-27 11:26:15The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities within the context of the Council of Europe 12:36:222019-08-30 12:22:42Этническое доминирование и конфликт. Критические заметки к анализу новейшей истории Латвии 12:35:132019-08-30 11:50:10The Schengen Convention: what is the situation regarding the new Member States?
Круглый стол “Русские Латвии – русские Европы”. Рига, 22-23.08.2003. Организатор: НПО D.V.I.N.A. Программа 12:34:312019-08-30 11:36:13Вступление в ЕС и русские в Латвии 12:33:282018-12-18 12:33:28Modern nation-state and European standards of minority rights
Conference “Justice and human rights in Council of Europe Observer States: The abolition of the death penalty”. Springfield-Washington, 9-11 April 2003. Organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe . 12:32:572019-10-12 15:56:39Abolition of the death penalty: the European experience 12:31:122019-03-15 13:25:31Права меньшинств: кто носитель этих прав?
Deputāts pie izslēgta mikrofona
/in Выступления /by infoKonference “Cilvēktiesības un deputāta pienākumi”. Rīga, 25.05.2004. Organizēja Latvijas žurnālistu savienība un Eiropas Padomes informācijas birojs.
Migration and increasing diversity in Europe: underestimated challenges to social democracy
/in Выступления /by infoConference “New challenges to social democracy in New Europe”. Riga, 27-28 February 2004. Organized by the People’s Concord Party.
Read more
National minorities in the EU acceding and candidate countries
/in Выступления /by infoInterparliamentary colloquy “Ethnic minorities in the European citizenship concept”. Brussels, 4-5 December 2003. Organized by the European Parliament.
The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities within the context of the Council of Europe
/in Выступления /by infoFilling the Frame. Conference to mark the 5th anniversary of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Strasbourg, 30-31 October 2003. Organized by the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.
List of participants
Этническое доминирование и конфликт. Критические заметки к анализу новейшей истории Латвии
/in Выступления /by infoКонференция «Посткоммунистическая трансформация и процессы
демократизации в Латвии. 1987-2003 годы». Рига, 17.10.2003. Организаторы: Кафедра политологии ЛУ и Балтийский Русский институт.
The Schengen Convention: what is the situation regarding the new Member States?
/in Выступления /by infoSeminar Public on the Schengen Convention. Development of the Schengen Information System (SIS II) and Data Protection: What Strategy for the Future? Brussels, 6 October 2003. Organized by EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and PACE Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population.
Вступление в ЕС и русские в Латвии
/in Выступления /by infoКруглый стол “Русские Латвии – русские Европы”. Рига, 22-23.08.2003. Организатор: НПО D.V.I.N.A.
Modern nation-state and European standards of minority rights
/in Выступления /by infoUniDem Seminar “State consolidation and national identity”. Chisinau, 4-5 July 2003. Organized by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission).
About the seminar
List of participants
Abolition of the death penalty: the European experience
/in Выступления /by borisscilevicsConference “Justice and human rights in Council of Europe Observer States: The abolition of the death penalty”. Springfield-Washington, 9-11 April 2003. Organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe .
Права меньшинств: кто носитель этих прав?
/in Выступления /by infoСеминар “Меньшинства и большинство в Эстонии: проблемы интеграции в веропейксом контексте”. Таллин, 15-16.11.2002. Организатор: Центр информации по правам человека.