10:45:212023-06-03 10:45:21Online Dialogues and Discussions “This Is Only the Beginning: Council of Europe and Civil Society After Reykjavik” 12:30:502021-12-13 12:30:50Roundtable discussion "New tools for the protection of human rights. The role of the Council of Europe" 11:32:442021-07-25 11:32:44The 7th Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism
High-level conference, Strasbourg, June 29, 2021. Organized by the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of Europe. 14:13:152021-07-02 14:15:56Council of Europe norms and standards on national minority rights: Results and challenges 12:51:592021-06-24 12:51:59Konference par atbalsta personas lēmumu pieņemšanā pakalpojumu 14:17:512021-02-18 14:17:51Diskusija par sabiedriskās domas aptaujas par sabiedrības saliedētību un savstarpējo uzticēšanos rezultātiem un šo datu nozīmi rīcībpolitikas veidošanā 10:30:102020-09-24 10:30:10Online panel discussion "Youth and the social movement in Belarus"
Online Dialogues and Discussions “This Is Only the Beginning: Council of Europe and Civil Society After Reykjavik”
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsOnline, June 2, 2023. Organized by the Campaign to Uphold Rights in Europe – CURE and Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe.
Diskusija “Mākslīgais intelekts, izteiksmes brīvība un dezinformācija: izaicinājumi un riski demokrātijai”
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRīga, 26.05.2025. Organizēja Latvijas prezidentūra Eiropas Padomē
Roundtable discussion “New tools for the protection of human rights. The role of the Council of Europe”
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRome, 26 November, 2021. Organized by the Partito Democratico, Italy.
The 7th Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsHybride – Jerusalem, July 13-15, 2021. Organized by the The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP).
Council of Europe norms and standards on national minority rights: Results and challenges
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsHigh-level conference, Strasbourg, June 29, 2021. Organized by the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of Europe.
Political Organisations of Crossborder Minorities
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsOnline Colloquium, June 15-16, 2021. Organized by the Institute for Minority Rights (EURAC) and Centre for the Study of Ethnic Conflict (Queens University Belfast).
Konference par atbalsta personas lēmumu pieņemšanā pakalpojumu
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsTiešsaiste, 14.06.2021. Organizēja Labklājības ministrija.
Diskusija par sabiedriskās domas aptaujas par sabiedrības saliedētību un savstarpējo uzticēšanos rezultātiem un šo datu nozīmi rīcībpolitikas veidošanā
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsTiešsaiste, 5.02.2021. Organizēja Sabiedriskās politikas centrs PROVIDUS.
EAI online annual event 2020
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsOnline event, 14-15.11.2020. Organized by European Alliance for Israel (EAI).
Online panel discussion “Youth and the social movement in Belarus”
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsOnline discussion, 23.9.2020. Organized by Advisory Council on Youth, Council of Europe.