Семинар “Право народов на самоопределение: идеология и практика”

Москва, 22-23 марта 1997. Организатор: Общество “Мемориал”.

Joint seminar of the Network for ethnological monitoring and early warning of conflict “Bringing networks together”

Londonderry-Belfast, 9-11 October 1996. Organized by INCORE – International Conflict Research Institute.

Seminar “Inter-ethnic relations, ethnopolitics and social cohesion in the Baltis states”

Jurmala, 13-15 September 1996. Organised by: Centre for Educational and Social Research “Baltic Insight”, Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies and Forum Eastern Europe.

Seminar on “Minority rights and mechanisms facilitating government-minority dialogue”

Riga, 16 May 1996. Organised by: Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies.

Второй ежегодный семинар сети этнологического мониторинга

Лимассол, 15-21 октября 1995. Организаторы: Институт этнологии и антропологии РАН и Conflict Management Group, Harvard Law School.