
Online Dialogues and Discussions “This Is Only the Beginning: Council of Europe and Civil Society After Reykjavik”

Online, June 2, 2023. Organized by the Campaign to Uphold Rights in Europe – CURE and Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe.

Diskusija “Mākslīgais intelekts, izteiksmes brīvība un dezinformācija: izaicinājumi un riski demokrātijai”

Rīga, 26.05.2025. Organizēja Latvijas prezidentūra Eiropas Padomē

Roundtable discussion “New tools for the protection of human rights. The role of the Council of Europe”

Rome, 26 November, 2021. Organized by the Partito Democratico, Italy.

Council of Europe norms and standards on national minority rights: Results and challenges

High-level conference, Strasbourg, June 29, 2021. Organized by the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of Europe.

Political Organisations of Crossborder Minorities

Online Colloquium, June 15-16, 2021. Organized by the Institute for Minority Rights (EURAC) and Centre for the Study of Ethnic Conflict (Queens University Belfast).

Diskusija par sabiedriskās domas aptaujas par sabiedrības saliedētību un savstarpējo uzticēšanos rezultātiem un šo datu nozīmi rīcībpolitikas veidošanā

Tiešsaiste, 5.02.2021. Organizēja Sabiedriskās politikas centrs PROVIDUS.