MINELRES: Fwd: CfP: National Bodies in Eastern Europe, 28 -29.8.2010, Wellington

[email protected] [email protected]
Mon Nov 30 17:35:55 2009

Original sender: Balkan Academic News <[email protected]>

CFP: "National Bodies in Eastern Europe"

Deadline: 2010-06-01

Description: National Bodies in Eastern Europe

We wish to explore the spread of nationalized thinking as it relates to
the body. How did people in central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the 
Balkans classify each other in terms of national concepts? What
characteristics supposedly distinguished the Czech from the German, the 
Jew from the Ukrainian, the Romanian from the Hungarian, the Turk from
the Greek, and so forth? How did these fantasies of the national body 
emerge, and how did they affect human interactions? Other topics of
possible interest include: national bodily practices, literary concepts 
of national bodies, national sexuality or sexualities, national clothing
or accoutrements, sporting nationalism, or eugenics. We welcome scholars
working in history, anthropology, sociology, literary studies, film
studies, and other related disciplines.


Contact: [email protected]

URL: www.victoria.ac.nz/antipodean/upcoming-events.aspx

Announcement ID: 172098



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