MINELRES: Fwd: CfP: Ethno-politics and Intervention in a Globalized world, Exeter, 27-30.6.2010

[email protected] [email protected]
Wed Nov 25 19:45:22 2009

Original sender: Annemarie Rodt <[email protected]>

Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies International Conference: 
�Ethno-Politics and Intervention in a Globalized World�
27-30 June 2010
University of Exeter
Call for Papers
A cutting-edge, multi-disciplinary conference exploring the role of
ethnicity and nationalism in the 21st century
Conference convenor: Professor Gareth Stansfield
Hardly a day goes by without a political or social manifestation of
ethnicity crossing the headlines of international and national news. The
conflict situations in Darfur, Iraq and Palestine; new state formations
in the Balkans; issues of multiculturalism and security in Western
cities; and the re-interpretation of historical memories and myths in
places as far apart as Cornwall and Central Asia simultaneously point to
the salience of ethnicity as a critical factor in today's complex world. 
The Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies (EXCEPS) is an exciting
initiative which was established in 2007 following the award of a grant
by the Leverhulme Trust to the University of Exeter. EXCEPS examines the
role of ethnicity and nationalism in politics and conflict via a
multi-disciplinary approach that brings together academics and
practitioners from an array of fields. We will be holding our first
international conference from 27-30 June 2010.
The conference will be organized around seven sub-themes covering
different aspects of the theme of �Ethno-Politics and Intervention in a
Globalized World�. These sub-themes are: 
Foreign Intervention in Ethnic and Ethno-National Conflicts 
Regional Security Organisations and the Regulation of Violent
Ethno-Political Conflict 
Culture and Memory in Reconciliation Processes
Questioning Ethno-Politics: Diasporic Political Cultures, Subjectivities
and Spaces
Contemporary Issues in the Middle East
Violent Radicalisation and Terrorism in the Ethno-Politicised World 
Mechanisms for Managing Ethnic Conflict: Secession, Autonomy, Elections

For further information, please go to the EXCEPS conference website:
http://centres.exeter.ac.uk/exceps/events/conference.html . 
Any questions can be directed to the sub-theme convenors. To submit a
proposal for a paper or a panel, please send an abstract of maximum 500
words to [email protected] by 29 January 2010. Please
indicate clearly in your application which sub-theme you would like it
to be considered for. Successful applicants will be notified by 26
February 2010. 
Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies (EXCEPS)

Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies
Stocker Road, University of Exeter 
Exeter EX4 4ND, United Kingdom


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