MINELRES: Fwd: CfP: IJCV 3 (2) 2009: Ethnic and Racial Violence

[email protected] [email protected]
Fri May 8 19:41:01 2009

Original sender: Florian Bieber <[email protected]>


IJCV 3 (2) 2009: Ethnic and Racial Violence

The International Journal of Conflict and Violence invites submissions
to a focus section devoted to the topic:  ethnic and racial violence.  A
feature of much of the world's violence and many of its conflicts are
cleavages drawn along ethnic and racial lines.  Violence takes the form
of both violence against and committed differentially by minority
populations in some countries and elsewhere majority populations are
more frequently victims or disproportionately perpetrators.  Spontaneous
or organized ethnic violence is expressed by individuals and small
groups and also by large groups, by organizations and obviously by
states too.  It can arise within a nation state or take the form of a
transnational conflict.  How can we better understand these conflicts
and acts of violence?

Contributions to this issue that address many different forms of ethnic
and racial violence from individual criminal violence, including ethnic
hate crimes, to forms of collective violence like riots or pogroms up to
ethnic civil wars, "ethnic cleansing" and genocide are welcome.  We are
especially interested in empirical papers that contribute to better
comparative understanding.  We encourage analyses that are comparative,
but contributions may also focus on a single national case.  Preference
will be given to case studies where the authors highlight how their work
betters our understanding in other countries as well.  In this issue we
will not include studies of transnational conflicts. We define
"empirical" very broadly to include ethnographies, field studies,
archival work, and of course quantitative methods.

The focus section will be guest-edited by Professor Werner Bergmann
(Technical University in Berlin/ [email protected] . This email
address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled
to view it ) and Professor Robert Crutchfield (University of Washington/
[email protected] . This email address is being protected from
spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it ).

Deadline for submissions is May 31, 2009.

For details of manuscript submission see instructions for authors.



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