MINELRES: ERT appeals to Ban Ki-Moon to promote the Declaration of Principles on Equality

[email protected] [email protected]
Sat Feb 21 19:05:58 2009

Original sender: Equal Rights Trust <[email protected]>

ERT welcomes World Day of Social Justice  
London, 20 February 2009  
Today, on the inaugural World Day of Social Justice, The Equal Rights
Trust (ERT) wrote to Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United
Nations, welcoming the event as an important step to raise awareness on
social inequality, poverty and the widening gap between the most and the
least advantaged globally. In the letter ERT appealed to the Secretary
General to promote the Declaration of Principles on Equality and to
recommend it to relevant UN organisations and agencies.  

The World Day of Social Justice was declared by the UN General Assembly
through Resolution A/RES/62/10 adopted on 19 November 2007. The
resolution invites member states to promote, at the national level,
concrete national activities in accordance with the objectives and goals
of the World Summit for Social Development (the World Summit for Social
Development and Beyond: Achieving Social Development for All in a
Globalizing World). 

In the letter to the Secretary-General ERT highlights the unique
contribution the Declaration makes to combating inequality and promoting
social justice. The Declaration integrates the notion of status-based
equality such as gender or race and equality based on factors such as
income and socio-economic status. 

To read the full letter to the Secretary-General, click here:

To read and endorse the Declaration of Principles on Equality, click

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