MINELRES: CfP: Conference on Applied Interculturality Research, Graz, 16-19 September 2009

[email protected] [email protected]
Wed Nov 19 17:57:01 2008

Original sender: Simone Schumann <[email protected]>

Call for Papers cAIR09 

Dear Sir or Madam,

The first conference on Applied Interculturality Research (cAIR09) will
be held from 16 to 19 September 2009 at the University of Graz, Austria.
cAIR09 has been made possible by a generous grant from the Zukunftsfonds
der Republik Osterreich, a fund established by Austrian government to
compensate victims of national socialism. To our knowledge, cAIR09 is
the first conference to address the practical application of all
interculturality research in all relevant academic disciplines including
humanities, sciences, economics, legal studies, religious studies,
medicine and education. All submissions to cAIR09 will be subject to an
anonymous peer-review procedure by experts in relevant academic
disciplines and practical fields.

We would be grateful if you would publish the Call for Papers on your
website and/or send it to an appropriate email list. The call is
attached in pdf and text-only formats for your convenience.

If you can help us to publicize the conference, please also send us
brief details (e.g. the internet address or the name of the list) for
our records. If you have any question, please not hesitate to contact

Thank you in advance for your support.

Yours sincerely,

Simone Schumann, co-director of cAIR09

On behalf of Prof. Richard Parncutt, director of cAIR09
E-Mail: [email protected]


Call for Papers
Conference on Applied Interculturality Research (cAIR09)
University of Graz, Austria, 16-19 September 2009

Interculturality research addresses all kinds and aspects of
intercultural interaction. Interculturality has always been a part of
the human condition, but the topic has become increasingly relevant, and
indeed critical, in a globalized world in which 
* technological advances and economic constraints provoke and promote
the transnational mobility of individuals, cultural groups and cultural
goods, both tangible and intangible;
* the cultural configurations of societies is constantly changing and
their representations are constantly being renegotiated; and
* political parties and decision makers increasingly regard
intercultural issues as central to their strategies and programs.

Interculturality research addresses diverse topics and involves diverse
disciplines. Areas of investigation include anti/racism, community
interpreting, discrimination, ethnicity, identity, intercultural
marriage, interfaith dialogue, in/tolerance, migration, minorities,
multilingualism, Otherness, prejudice and  xenophobia/philia.
Disciplinary contexts include aesthetics, anthropology, cultural
studies, economics, education, ethnology, geography, history,
interpreting, law, linguistics, literature, musicology, politics,
physiology, medicine, peace and conflict studies, psychology,
philosophy, religious studies and sociology. 

cAIR promotes research on all intercultural topics in all relevant
disciplines. cAIR especially promotes applications of that research,
such as interactions between research teams, civil society and policy
makers. In this way, cAIR empowers academics to contribute to social and
political developments in their field. The conference aims to establish
Applied Interculturality Research as a visible, productive and respected
area of interaction between research and society, with a strong multi-
and interdisciplinary foundation. cAIR does not support unlimited
freedom of speech: we will not offer a platform to any project that the
organisers or reviewers feel might exacerbate xenophobia or
discrimination of any kind.

cAIR09 will be held in Graz, Austria from 16 to 19 September 2009. It
will be hosted by the forum for Applied Interculturality Research (fAIR)
and supported by researchers in diverse disciplines at the University of
Graz and representatives of diverse Graz NGOs. Researchers from all
relevant disciplines are invited to contribute practically-oriented
theoretical or empirical studies. 

Abstract submissions should have at least two authors, one primarily
representing a specific research project and the other primarily
representing a specific application of the results of that project. The
first author may be either of these two, and should have made the
greater (or greatest) contribution to the project. The text should begin
with title, author(s), affiliation(s), and the email of first author.
The main text should be structured with the following headings:
* Background in... (the main academic discipline/s)
* Background in... (the practical aspect/s of the project)
* Aims
* Methods and results
* Implications
* References

The two Background sections should summarize relevant knowledge without
directly referring to the specific project. The Aims section should
specify the link between research and practice in the specific project.
The Methods and results section should address both the methods and the
results of both the research and its application. The Implications
section may address any relevant political, social or academic
implications. The references may be presented in any well-known format.

The entire file, including all headings and administrative detail,
should not exceed 800 words. All submissions will be subject to
double-blind peer review by two international specialists whose
expertise corresponds to the background sections. To enable a review
procedure that is anonymous, uniform, expert and international,
abstracts must be submitted in English.

Abstracts must be submitted as email text or attachment (pdf or word) to
[email protected] by 15 February 2009. Referees' comments and
notifications of acceptance (as talk or poster) or rejection will be
sent to first authors by 30 April 2009. 

cAIR09 is directed by Richard Parncutt and Simone Schumann at the
University of Graz. The conference homepage is at
http://www.uni-graz.at/fAIR/cAIR09. If you have any questions about the
submission process that are not answered on the website, please do not
hesitate to contact 
Simone Schumann at 
[email protected]; 
Tel. +43 316 380-8160, -8161, -8162; 
Fax +43 316

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