MINELRES: Fwd: CfP: "Ethnic Reconciliation in the Western Balkans: What Role for Academia?", Graz, Austria, 5-6.9.2008

[email protected] [email protected]
Fri Jun 13 15:13:46 2008

Original sender: Antonija Petricusic <[email protected]>

Conference "Ethnic Reconciliation in the Western Balkans: What Role for

Call for papers: 

Inter@nic network, the Competence Centre South East Europe at the
University of Graz and the European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen are
organizing a conference "Ethnic Reconciliation in the Western Balkans:
What Role for Academia?". 

The conference will be taking place at the Faculty of Law in Graz from 5
to 6 September 2008. 


The conference shall gather academics working on questions of human and
minority rights, post-conflict reconstruction, inter-ethnic
reconciliation and dialogue, as well as on the role of Europeanization
process with respect to ethnic reconciliation in the Western Balkans. It
is expected the conference will serve as a point of departure for
greater inter-institutional and inter-personal links in the Western
Balkans and with other European institutions. Academics and researcher
from the Western Balkans countries are particularly encouraged to apply.
In addition to this, the conference is aiming to disseminate research
findings of the FP6 funded research project "Human and Minority Rights
in the Cycle of Ethnic Conflict".

Target group:

The participants of the conference are supposed to be young scholars,
researchers and academics who have already demonstrated commitment to
the above described topics in their academic work and/or in practical
terms. The conference will thus also be able to take stock of the role
of academics in the reconciliation process and identify successes and
failures, and propose new ways forward.


Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and be submitted
electronically to Antonija Petricusic at [email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]>  no later than August 15, 2008.
Notification of acceptance will be communicated by August 20, 2008.
Authors are required to submit full papers not exceeding 8000 words by
15 October 2008 for the conference follow up publication. The conference
organisers will cover travel and accommodation expenses of selected

More information on the conference and on the inter@nic network at


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