MINELRES: EC Non-Discrimination news: 29 January 2007

[email protected] [email protected]
Thu Feb 15 18:50:41 2007

Original sender: EC non-discrimination info <[email protected]>

Countdown to official launch of European Year

Final preparations are being made for the first ever Equality Summit
that takes place in Berlin on 30-31 January. This high-level and high
profile event will launch the European Year of Equal Opportunities for
All and provide the opportunity to share experiences and identify
specific measures in favour of equal opportunities.

The summit is a joint initiative of the German Presidency of the
European Union and the European Commission. It will be opened by Mrs
Ursula von der Leyen, German Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior
Citizens, Women and Youth, and Mr Vladim�r �pidla, European Commissioner
for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. 

Events to launch the Year at national level will follow in each of the
30 participating countries.

For further information

New website for European Year 

A new website for the 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All
is now online. It includes information on the themes and objectives of
the Year, and a wealth of practical information on how the Year will be

For those who want to get involved, the site provides contact details of
the National Implementing Bodies. These organisations can provide
official endorsement for events and activities (�moral support�) and the
right to use the Year�s logo.

2007 European Year website  

Europeans believe discrimination is widespread

A majority of Europeans feel that discrimination is widespread in their
countries and that being disabled or having a different ethnic origin
tends to be a disadvantage in their society. These are the findings of a
recent Eurobarometer (http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/index_en.htm)
survey on attitudes to discrimination.

The survey summary, published on 23 January, indicates that few people
are aware of legislation to protect victims of discrimination. Just over
half knew that the employment rights of disabled people were protected
and less than one in three were aware of legislation prohibiting
discrimination on the basis of age or sexual orientation.

Most Europeans said that people of different ethnic origins enrich their
society. Respondents to the survey were also positive about introducing
measures to provide equal opportunities for everyone in the field of
employment, especially on the grounds of disability and age. 

For further information

Rome to host conference on positive action

The final annual conference of the Community Action Programme to combat
discrimination will be held in Rome, Italy on 23-24 April 2007. Entitled
�Equal opportunities for all: What role for positive action?� the
conference will aim to facilitate the exchange of experience and
knowledge on positive action and anti-discrimination issues. 

This conference will also explore the concept of positive action, place
it in the context of the Racial Equality and the Employment Equality
Directives (EC/2000/43 and EC/2000/78) and look at some of the actions
that are already being undertaken to provide equal opportunities to
everyone. Due to limited numbers, participation is by invitation only.

January Spotlight: European Year of Equal Opportunities for All
This month�s spotlight feature on the anti-discrimination website looks
at the themes, activities and partners involved in the 2007 European
Year of Equal Opportunities for All.

Read the Spotlight here

Your news here!

This newsletter reaches 6,000 subscribers who are active in fighting
discrimination and promoting diversity. If you would like to share
outcomes from your projects and events, contact the mailing list editor
[email protected].

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