MINELRES: CFA/Language Policies in Europe and Canada

MINELRES moderator [email protected]
Thu Sep 16 13:48:02 2004

Original sender: Dominique Arel <[email protected]> 

Call for Papers


University of Ottawa
Ottawa (Ontario) Canada
31 March-2 April 2005

This conference will address debates and questions related to a
comparative understanding of the development and implementation of
language policies in Canada and in Europe. Usually associated with
identity politics, language policies constitute a neglected domain of
public policy debates. However, increasing governemental intervention in
the area of language demands that we revisit our way of approaching the
question of the foundations and objectives of language policies, the
criteria used to evaluate them and decide of their efficiency but also
that we study issues related to the development of new forms of language
governance and the participation of groups in the formulation of
policies.  Discussing language policies as public policies is a question
of vital interest to all those trying to find the best ways of promoting
language coexistence and equilibrium. We are inviting papers that are
comparative in focus and using cases from Europe (Western, Central or
Eastern Europe) and/or Canada.

Those interested are invited to propose 250-word abstracts for a 20
minute paper to be presented in English or in French (with simultaneous
translation available).

Deadline to submit an abstract: 15 October 2004. Please email your
proposal to Dominique Arel, [email protected].
Linda Cardinal, Chair on Public Policy and Francophonie
Dominique Arel, Chair of Ukrainian Studies
Claude Denis, Centre for the Study of Governance

School of Political Studies
University of Ottawa (Ontario)
Canada, K1N 6N5