MINELRES: Invitation to Cultures in Dialogue 2005 for young Europeans

MINELRES moderator [email protected]
Fri Nov 19 11:11:22 2004

Original sender: Jesper Nielsen <[email protected]> 

Invitation to Cultures in Dialogue 2005 for young Europeans

The association Cultures in Dialogue invites 180 young Europeans
representing Europe's national, cultural and linguistic diversity,
minorities and majorities, to the "Cultures in Dialogue 2005" event
carried out from July 17th to July 30th 2005 in the Danish-German border

Cultures in Dialogue will be an opportunity for participants to
experience Europe, explore its diversity face to face, and get insights
into and influence Europe's current agenda. Cultures in Dialogue is also
a social event, which will give participants the opportunity to expand
their European network. Participants must be between 18 and 25 years of
age, with good English language skills, and with a general interest in
Europe and minority issues. For more information on application
procedure (deadline on May 1st 2005), please visit the website of
Cultures in Dialogue at: 


Cultures in Dialogue will debate how to give recognition to national
minorities within the EU. Over 38 million or every 11th citizen in the
enlarged EU belongs to a minority. This reality, however, is not
reflected in any EU-policy or EU-programme dealing with minorities. This
in spite of the fact, that respect for the rights of minorities are now
included in the new EU-Constitution as being part of the Union's
fundamental values. Minorities experience that they are not recognised
by the EU as contributors to a Europe "united in its diversity". The 180
participants will therefore negotiate how to make the ideal a reality.
Result will be a joint Resolution, which in follow-up is disseminated to
the European public and decision-makers. The event will thus in itself
become a manifestation of a public actively shaping the democratic
processes of Europe.

Cultures in Dialogue also invite participants to produce
information-material (TV, booklet, articles for publication in regional
media in Europe and website) presenting minorities in Europe and their
expectations towards the enlarged EU. Cultures in Dialogue thus aim at
promoting tolerance Europe's minority and majority population-groups in

Cultures in Dialogue will as point of departure mark the 50th
anniversary in 2005 of the so-called Copenhagen-Bonn Declarations agreed
on by the Danish and German governments in 1955 with the aim of securing
the rights of the minorities in the Danish-German border region. The
Declarations have been important sources for the development of peaceful
co-existence in the region. It is important to include on the EU-agenda
the experience that minorities are a source of cultural richness (and
not conflict) for Europe!

For more information on programme, please visit the website of Cultures
in Dialogue at http://www.people.hojoster.dk/SEEEMS/3028.asp

Cultures in Dialogue are carried out on 3 independent schools in the
Danish-German border region on both sides of the border: At Hojskolen
Ostersoen (a Danish Folk High School), Jaruplund Hojskole (Folk High
School of the Danish minority in Germany) and Deutsche Nachschule
Tingleff (free school of the German minority in Denmark). Although the
180 participants work on 3 different schools throughout the 2 weeks,
their work is closely co-ordinated with joint meetings, joint
conference, joint negotiations and social events. 

Cultures in Dialogue is carried out by an association under the same
name with the following member organisations, beside the 3 above
mentioned schools: Sydslesvigsk Forening (association of the Danish
minority in Germany, the region of South-Schleswig), Sydslesvigs danske
Ungdomsforeninger (youth association of the Danish minority in
South-Schleswig), Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger (association of the
German minority in Denmark, the region of South Denmark), Deutscher
Jugendverband fur Nordshcleswig (youth association of the German
minority in South Denmark), Gr?nseforeningen (Danish association
supporting Danish culture and language in South-Schleswig), Friisk
Foriining (association of the North-Frisian minority in


Jesper Nielsen, Project Co-ordinator

Cultures in Dialogue

Flensborgvej 48

6200 Aabenraa


Telephone: +45 74 62 47 00

Fax +45 74 62 47 01

[email protected]