MINELRES: Fwd: [balkans] CfA: Ethnicity and National Relations in the Balkans, MA program, Sofia University, Bulgaria

MINELRES moderator [email protected]
Tue May 4 16:21:42 2004

Original sender: Ivan Ilchev <[email protected]>

We are pleased to announce the following MA programmes in Sofia
University, Bulgaria

MA in Ethnicity and National Relations in the Balkans

The MA programme will put political events of recent Balkan history in
the context of the centuries-long and often turbulent history of the
relations between the different ethnic groups living there. It explores
the concept of ethnic relations in both theory and practice. The courses
will focus on specific aspects of ethnic and national relations in South
Eastern Europe in the modern era.

The programme is developed according to the guidelines adopted by the
Ministry of Education in Bulgaria following the basic precepts of the
educational policy of the countries of the EU. A full-time student will
complete the degree in one year, starting in September and taking four
courses each of the first two terms before writing a 20,000 to 30,000
word dissertation. A part-time student will spread the degree over two
years. Dissertations should normally draw on primary source material and
are to be completed by October.

The courses will be taught in English. The students will be expected to
write their dissertation in English. The suggested reading is in
English, French, German and Russian. A two-semester course in Bulgarian
language and literature will be provided for. The students will be
assigned to different levels according to their language skills. Courses
in Serbo-Croatian, Romanian, Turkish and Greek are optional.  

During the second semester and the summer months the students will take
part in two ten-day field trips � one in a locality with ethnically and
religiously mixed population; the other will include partaking in the
day-to-day activities of an active minority foundation.

Core Courses

Modern History of the Balkans / end of 18th- mid 20th centuries
Modern Bulgarian History, 1877-1944
National and Regional Identity in the Balkans
Ethnic Minorities in the Balkans
Church and Religion in the Balkans
Federalist Ideas and Federalism in South Eastern Europe
Modernisation of South Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
The Balkans: Modernisation Unfulfilled

Optional Courses
Bulgarian Language and Culture
The Other Europe � Modern East European History as a Part of the
European Historical Tradition
Bulgaria and the Balkans in the Global East-West Confrontation of the
Cold War Years
Bulgaria in the Eastern bloc countries in the second half of the 20th c.

MA in Power, Authority and Culture in South Eastern Europe


The Rise and Decline of Ancient Macedonia
Problems of the Modern and Contemporary History of the Balkans
Between Byzantium, Hungary and Venice � Regional Characteristics of
Power and Authority in SEE
The Rectangle and Its Corners. �East and Southeastern Europe in the
Projects for Eropean Union, 18th-mid 20th c.
Instruments of Power in South Eastern Europe Between Tradition and


Bulgarian Language and Culture
Power and History, History and Power: The Imagery of the Past as a
Ferment of Balkan
Power, Ideology and Culture in Bulgaria after World War II
Who am I? Ethnicity, Identity and Culture in the European Southeast
Ethnography of Socialism

For further information contact:

Professor Ivan Ilchev, 
Chair of History of the Balkans
Department of History
Sofia University �St. Kl. Ohridski�
15 Tsar Osvoboditel Bld
1000 Sofia

Tel: + 359 2 9308 223
Fax: + 359 2 463022
E-mail: [email protected]


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