Recent Romnews postings

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From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 21:59:38 +0200 (EET)
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Subject: Recent Romnews postings

From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>

Original sender: Roma Nationla Congress <[email protected]>

Recent Romnews postings

Warsaw/POLAND (RNN Correspondent) 11.11.1998

2-3 November 1998

For the list of chairpersons and moderators see the attached agenda.


This year's roundtable benefited from greater participation of Roma
from around the OSCE region. Altogether the Roundtable was attended by
around 50 participants, including State Delegations of USA, France,
Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and
Finland, representatives of the OSCE ODIHR, Council of Europe,
European Commission and around 35 Roma NGOs. 

Topic 1: Development of national policies in favor of minority rights
of Roma and Sinti, in particular the prevention of violence and

The Council of Europe representative described the encouraging
developments in the adoption of policies in some of the countries with
the largest Roma population. The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary
prepared comprehensive strategies on Roma issues, whereas similar
processes in Romania and Bulgaria are presently under discussion.
Several speakers representing State Delegations stated that it would
be useful if there was more unity among the Roma organizations and
selected persons could be delegated to represent Roma interests at
national level. These statements led to a series of comments from the
Roma participants who have faced difficulties while dealing with the
governments in their own countries. Roma NGOs pointed out that the
lack of unity within Roma communities is being used by some government
institutions to justify their unwillingness or passiveness in
co-operating with Roma.

Topic 2: European Commission 'Agenda 2000' and its impact on Roma and
Sinti in accessing countries

The second session of the roundtable discussed the criteria for
accession to EU, one of them being treatment of minorities. It was
stated that in general, integration of minorities is satisfactory in
the countries seeking EU membership, except for the situation of Roma.
The European Commission developed a financial scheme, which includes 2
million ECU to assist the Romanian government in developing a policy
focusing on strategies for integration of Roma. Roma participation was
part of the terms of reference and implementation. Similar initiatives
will be taken for all Central-East European countries.

Topic 3: Co-operation of international institutions: OSCE, Council of
Europe and European Commission

Speakers in this session pointed out that since the OSCE Human
Dimension Meeting on Roma in 1994, the ODIHR Contact Point on Roma and
Sinti Issues and the Council of Europe have developed a good working
relationship. However, there is a need to expand this bipartite
co-operation by working with other international institutions,
especially the European Commission. The recommendation of the OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly on establishing a senior position at ODIHR to
deal specifically with Roma and Sinti issues was discussed and largely
supported. It was pointed out that the mandate of this advisor could
include some functions performed by ombudsman and human rights
protection institutions.

Participants also identified some particular areas in which the ODIHR
and other international organizations may assist. One of these
concerns working with local authorities in the area of education on
anti-discrimination and anti-racism, since much resistance is often
met at lower levels of governance. A number of participants raised
again the need for beginning work on a European Charter on Roma

The following recommendations were put forth in the course of the

- To advise ODIHR to establish a senior position to deal on a regular
basis with Roma issues;
- To strengthen the profile of the Contact Point to enable it to
provide advice and assistance to governments, especially in the areas
of racial violence and discrimination;
- To advise the OSCE on upgrading the profile of Roma within a broader
context of European security. The OSCE to investigate the mode by
which the Roma's own concept of personal and group security could be
incorporated into OSCE security model;
- ODIHR Contact Point on Roma and Sinti Issues was requested to
provide an inventory of organizations working on Roma related issues;
- ODIHR was requested to organize series of training for young Roma

"Swiss Nazigold" - Prominent lawyer in charge of RNC
Press Release of RNC

Washington/Hamburg (RNC) 11.11.1998

The Washington Conference of Holocaust-era Assets in Washington D.C.
will take place from 30.11.-03.12.98. In this conference the
principles of the further clearing off of the Nazi injustice as to the
theft of gold, arts, insurances, and money are going to be discussed.
lt is undisputed that also from the Roma enormous values,
insurances,and gold were stolen. The Roma people have as well a claim
to get back what belongs to them. This claim cannot be renounced of
and must be enforced energetically. At last, the Rome should also get
their money out of all the other existing funds.

In order to enforce their claim the organizations of the RNC have
resolved to commonly represent their interests at an international
level. The unions united in the RNC demand for the Roma in their
countries to get back at last the assets that belonged to them.

The RNC has appointed the prestigious lawyer office Wellinghausen &
Partner in Hamburg.

For more than 20 years Wellinghausen has represented hundreds of Roma
in proceedings for compensation. With his support and in co-operation
with RNC/RCU, the Hamburg foundation for victims of the NS-persecution
established in the late Eighties. Since then revenues have been
granted to more than 1000 Roma and Cinti. In the foundation board
representatives of Roma and Cinti make the decisions through the

Wellinghausen also did his utmost in capturing nazi-culprits. Numerous
proceedings were taken against them, among other things that of Rut
Kellermann, who was involved in the registration and deportation of
women in Ravensbr�ck. Wellinghausen is well known for his powers of
self-assertion and as a creative jurist.

The present claims are:
- Participation of the European Roma organizations in the Washington
Conference through RNC
- Respecting the RNC as an international interlocutor and as
negotiating party
- Carrying through the material claims tor the Roma in Europe.

The authorisation of a Jurist was necessary after it had been made
public that the Washington Conference of holocaust-Era assets had
asked Rajko Djuric as the only representative of the Roma to the
conference. Djuric is considered very controversially by Roma and was
deprived of confidence by an absolute majority during the OSCE meeting
on Nov 2nd and Nov 3rd, 1998. He was accused of financial
irregularities and manipulation in the Swiss "Shoa" foundation, where
he is a representative of the Roma. Together with Wellinghausen the
RNC is going to establish an own internet address and a homepage to
make conversations and relating questions and
results accessible to the public.

Romnews is published by the Roma National Congress on a non-commercial
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