RNN Homepage support: How to use the Chat

Reply-To: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 11:08:16 +0300 (EET DST)
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Subject: RNN Homepage support: How to use the Chat

From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>

Original sender: RNN Newsletter <[email protected]>

RNN Homepage support: How to use the Chat

How to use chat 
1. Open the homepage http://www.romnews.com
2. Click on CHAT!
3. You can now choose between English, Romanes and German.
4. There now follows an explanation about Chat (Chat itself opens with
the next  page).
5. Click on "Join the Chat", "Ko Chato" or "In den Chat".
6. You have to have a Java compatible browser!
7. The Java applet opens.
8. On the screen you see two square fields, one above the other.
9. Click on the lower, one line field - your cursor will blink.
10. Enter your Chat name and press return or enter.
11. You are now in the Chat room Talk this is not the RNN Chat.
12. If you want to get to RNN's Chat: where you wrote your name, add
     .join rnnenglish
     .join rnnromanes
     .join rnndeutsch
depanding on what language you want.
13. Now you can chat with the Romnews Network.
You can meet up with someone from Romnews Network every Tuesday and
Friday at 8 p.m. Central European Time in.
If you want to meet someone in particular from Romnews, simply send an
e-mail with date and time to [email protected]
We Chatting with you soon then!

M.D. Knudsen
Romnews Network
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