Free All Minorities and Form the Core of the Alternative New World!

Reply-To: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 16:51:38 +0200 (EET)
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Subject: Free All Minorities and Form the Core of the Alternative New World!

From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>

Original sender: Ole Fjord Larsen <[email protected]>

Free All Minorities and Form the Core of the Alternative New

>From the moderator: The following submission was waiting in the MINELRES files for several weeks, for we hesitated if it should be circulated. In this case, our usual reminder that 'the MINELRES moderator must not necessarily agree with the content of each posting', is obviously not sufficient. We would like to stress that we strongly disagree with the idea proposed in the posting below. In fact, it not only runs fundamentally contrary to the basic modern principles of minority rights. In fact, it calls to creation of the "new world" which will be a world without minorities. In the past, the attempts of the kind - i.e. to secure a certain peace of land to every ethnic group according to the "genuine justice" - led to horrible violence and countless deaths of innocent people. In no way are we going to say that the sender of this submission intends something like this. However, such an "idealistic" approach based on denial of intrinsically multicultural nature of the modern wor!
ld, and also all states of this world, should be handled with care, to say the least...

Dear All,
Hereunder follows a proposal for an expanded platform for the Free All
Minorities!  initiative.
Your comments and amendments are invited.
Almost all of the New World Order's insane, gruesome wars are about
the lack of right of minorities to become independent of oppressive
The contradictions normally result from unnatural borderlines imposed
by imperialist states and/or economic powers of people in majority
without regarding the peoples of minorities.
It must become a matter of course that any minority has the right to
establish its own natural state.
The referendum of a people to declare their independence should meet
certain standards, which safeguard that neither external nor internal
pressure did lead to such decision. Otherwise traditional means to
come to a consensus have to be respected and a specific form shall not
be prescribed.
An international body, such as the UNITED PEOPLES, independent of any
governmental or corporate rule, must serve as qualified observer.
Already before the formal self-determination of the hundreds of
minorities has been achieved, these enclaves should interconnect
economically and in other ways and form the core of the alternative
new world.
Their common ground should be the ecological principles for sound life
style, production and transportation allowing for restoration and
preservation of nature and natural resources.
The minorities should have the freedom to make up an anti-imperialist
economic and political unity and in solidarity assist each other in
every way in their struggles for independence of oppressive states or
overnational structures.
And all progressive organisations, communities, governments, regions,
etc., outside the alliance may join the alliance from the very
The establishment of the hundreds of new states in itself will make
life difficult for the imperialist powers and the corporations'
overnational imperialist structures and contribute significantly to
end the corporative globalization and rule.
Therefore the described proces to freedom will be fought by all means
and under cover of numerous nicely sounding arguments by the
multinational companies, the nationstate governments and the UN.
Through several pre-conferences, a founding conference by the end of
2000 will be held among the minorities.
1.  Washington D.C., April 16 - 17, alternative WB / IMF gathering
2.  Edmonton, Canada, May 1 - 7, Int. Soc. Peace, Human Rights
3.  Geneva, Schweiz, July 22 - 28, WGIP, alternative indigneous
4.  Cebu, Philippines, when ?, Shambala Center
5.  Africa, somewhere, October, Ecoterra
The main conference:
Africa, somewhere ?
Around Dec. 1 ?
All organisations, groups and individuals who wish to sponsor/support
the conference are requested to contact us ASAP, with information of
the ways in which you want to contribute.
The organisations committed to the initiative so far are:
Global Resource Bank
Int. Soc. for Peace and Human Rights
Shambala Center
The People of West Papua
United Peoples

MINELRES - a forum for discussion on minorities in Central&Eastern

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