OSI: Call for proposals in support of Roma culture

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Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 20:40:47 +0200 (EET)
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Subject: OSI: Call for proposals in support of Roma culture

From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>

Original sender: Tatjana Peric <[email protected]>

OSI: Call for proposals in support of Roma culture

The Open Society Institute-Budapest is requesting proposals in support
of Roma high culture: history, art, language, oral or written
literature, cultural anthropology, musicology, sociology.  It is our
hope that support for Roma high culture will have the dual effect of
supporting Roma in their efforts toward self-reliance as well as
providing the general population in Central and Eastern Europe with
informed material on this important culture.
We are requesting proposals in three program areas:  (1) culture
centers; (2) scholarly research, writing and publication of books,
monographs, and studies which cover new ground in furthering
understanding of Roma culture; (3) supporting the next generation of
Roma culture bearers. Persons of Romani background are especially
encouraged to apply in all three categories.
Culture Centers. Such centers (new or attached to existing center)
would be set up in Central and Eastern Europe to provide information,
activities (seminars, exhibits, performances, classes, library
collections), events, discussions on broad aspects of Roma high
culture to take place within a community, school or university. 
Proposals should provide a fully developed plan for the first year of
such activities, noting that not every center would do everything, and
include: how the center would attract Roma and non-Roma to it; the
number of Roma in the community where the center would be located; the
number of individuals likely to be attracted to such a center; the
staffing plan including the names of the actual staff contemplated and
information on each person�s background, experience and training; and,
a budget for three years including plans for raising financial or
in-kind support within the local community to sustain the center.
Scholarly Research Covering New Ground.  Proposals should include an
outline of the research into one of the areas showing new ground to be
covered; a proposed time schedule for completion of the research; a
publication and distribution plan including costs associated with the
translation into local languages including Romany. Please also include
a resume or cv showing the qualifications of the person(s) undertaking
the research, such as academic training, authorship of other
Applications are evaluated by a selection committee based on:
- the degree to which new ground is covered;
- the significance of the contribution the research will make to its
- the qualifications of the applicant;
- the soundness of the publication and distribution plan;
- the quality of the overall application.
Young Roma Culture Bearers Program.  In many Roma communities, Roma
have lost touch with their cultural past. This program will be looking
for creative ways to inform and empower the next generation of Roma
with that knowledge so that they become the teachers of the
generations who follow them. Projects such as oral history collection,
Roma cultural camps, historic mapping exercises, student historic
research, Romany language courses, and others would be of interest.
The Young Culture Bearers Program will be limited to Roma both as
teachers and learners. Priority will be given in the other two
categories to projects directed or undertaken by Roma or in which the
majority of participants are Roma.
We anticipate that grant size will be between $1,000 and  $35,000
depending on the category and scope of the project.
(Proposals in Romany will be translated to the extent we are able to
do so.)
Emily Martinez
Roma Culture Initiative
Oktober 6 utca 12
H-1051 Budapest
Fax:  (36 1) 327-3101
Phone:  (36 1) 327-3027
Email: [email protected]
Initially, there is no deadline. Proposals will be dealt with as they
come in.
January 6, 1999
Mangas Projektura / Mangipena
te vazden e Romani Kultura ande centralno tai vihodno Europa

Open Society Institute-Budapest rodel projektura (mangipe) va e
'oprutni' kultura - historia, *hib, literatura so si vi skirimen vi
phendini, atropologia, sociologia, tai e  tudia ba avipaski. Pat'as
kai o  utipe (pomoc) pre Romani kultura  utila le Romenge te sikaven
lengi importantno tai zorali kultura but manu enge ande Europa.
Rodas projektura pe trin kategorii: 1 kulturne centri, 2 akademi*no
dikhipe, tai lila pale kultura, 3 tai projektura te si*hon e kultura
le ternenge (Young Roma Culture Beaers Program). Amen a ukeras te das
mai but love le Romenge.
Kulturne Centri. Kaise centri avena te den informacia, te keren
seminara, kursi, ba avipe, eksposicii, atd. Vi trubula diskusii te
vazden ande  kola, universita, tai ando sako than. O mangipe musai te
phenel sa so tumen kamen ando angluno ber  te keren. A*aras kai sako
centro na ti te kerel savoro. Musai ando mangipe te skirin sar kidena
vi len Romen vi gad en ando centro, sode Roma trajin ( iven) ando foro
kai avlas o centro, e nava le manu enge so avena te keren buti, so si
lenge kvalifikatsia, tai o bud eto 3 ber enge. Vi trubul te skirin sar
rodena aver love ando tumaro them, kai o centro d ala mai dur.
Akademi*no Dikhipe pal Neve Thematura (Pu*ipen). Projektura msuai te
skirin sano nevo themato kamen te dikhen, kana kamen sako paso te
keren, plan va e publikacia tai distribucia pe e *hiba so trubul, vi
Romanes. Den amenge vi jek CV so sikavel e kvalifikacia le manu eske
vai manu enge kon kamen te keren e buti.
Tumare mangipe dikhela jek komiteto, so dikhela:
te si *a*es kado jek nevo themato vai pu*ibe
te si va no (fonto ) kado pu*ibe
te si zoralo plan distribuciako
te si sa pe mi ti kvalitet

Young Roma Culture Bearers Program/Program Va e Terne Roma, kon Vazden
e Kultura.  Si but Romane gava tai mahale, kai e Roma bisteren amari
kulturaki historia. Kado program rodela droma, sar te das informacia
tai te das zor e nevi generaciake, te zoravas len informaciasa, kai vi
von ai te si*hon penge  avenge. Interesuina amen (amenge si erdeke)
projektura sar : historiako dikhipe, 'phendino historia', kulturne
tabora (lagri), kursi pe Romani *hib, tai aver kasave butia (atd.).
Kado program si feri (numa, samo) e Romenge, kon si*hon vai si*hon
pes. Aver kategorii eksistuin, so den priorita va  projektura so keren
e Roma le Romenge.
Gindinas (duminas, mi linas) kai o tipicko grant avela ma kar 1,000
tai 35,000 USD. Vadinel so si e kategoria tai baripe projektosko.
�ai te bi aven tumare projektura pe angli icka *hib ki:
Emily Martinez
Roma Culture Initiative
Oktober 6 utca 12
1051 Budapest
tel 36 1 327 3027
fax 36 1 327 3101
email: [email protected]
Te bi avena amenge Romanes, zumavasa (probinasa) te boldas les.
Nai amen termino ("deadline")  ikana trubul te bi aven.
januari 6, 1999

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