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City of Kyiv, March 01, 1999,

On Approval of Integral Actions Aimed at the Development of Cultures of National Minorities of Ukraine for the Period till the Year 2001

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine RESOLVES hereby as follows:

1. The attached Integral Actions Aimed at the Development of Cultures of National Minorities of Ukraine for the Period till the Year 2001 shall be approved.

2. Ministries, other central executive agencies shall ensure the implementation of Integral Actions at the expense of general allocations made to them annually in the State Budget.

3. It shall be recommended to the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations to resolve the issues of financing individual measures of regional nature according to the established procedure at the expense of relevant local budgets.

4. The State Committee for Nationalities and Migration shall be in charge of the organisation and co-ordination work related to the implementation of the Integral Actions Aimed at the Development of Cultures of National Minorities of Ukraine for the period till the Year 2001.

5. Mr. V.A. Smoliy, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine shall control the implementation hereof.

Prime Minister of Ukraine
Ind. 28

by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
#299 of 01 March 1999

Integral Actions Aimed at the Development of Cultures of National Minorities of Ukraine for the Period till the Year 2001

The independent Ukrainian state, building upon the age-old traditions of cohabitation of representatives of various ethnical groups on its territory, takes care of the satisfaction of national cultural and linguistic needs of all ethnical communities. Therefore, one of the priority lines of the state ethnical policy at the current stage is to ensure the harmonic cohabitation of citizens of Ukraine of various nationalities, their free ethnocultural development. Article 11 of the Constitution of Ukraine stipulates that the state should foster the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, its historical awareness, traditions and culture, as well as the development of the ethnical, cultural, linguistic and religious originality of all native ethnical groups and national minorities of Ukraine.

Currently, representatives of more than 100 different ethnical groups, making up over 27 per cent of the population of the state, live together with the Ukrainians in Ukraine. The common all-country cultural environment is formed from the diversity of their ethnic cultures.

The democratic reforms in the state contributed to the growth of the ethnic self-identification, brought about the movement of national minorities towards the self-organisation and ethnical identification, the determination of their place in the society, the cultural revival, the study of the national language, the establishment of national cultural societies and associations. In Ukraine, there are about 270 national cultural societies, 23 of which have the pan-Ukrainian status.

The national cultural societies act as catalysers of the revival and development of languages, customs, traditions, the cultural and artistic heritage of national minorities. On their initiative, national cultural centres, theatres, museums, schools are established. They promote achievements of artistic troupes, for instance, by organising and holding national and regional festivals, reviews, contests, as well as by taking part in the Pan-Ukrainian National Minorities Festival �My vsi dity tvoyi, Ukrayino! (We all are your children, Ukraine!� Together with the state and scientific institutions, these societies do a lot for the research into the historical and cultural heritage of ethnic communities.

In order to satisfy cultural and artistic needs of national minorities of Ukraine, 30 Russian theatres, Romans Kyiv Sinti and Roma theatre, the Hungarian theatre in the town of Berehove in Zakarpattia (Transcarpathian) oblast have been established.

Almost two thousand amateur troupes work under the national cultural societies. The most known of them are Jewish Mazltov and Shtern theatres, Jaskulki Polish folklore ensemble, Oranta German Chamber Choir, Duslyk Tartar Dance and Choir Group, etc.

The annual programme of publishing the literature in languages of national minorities of Ukraine aimed at the satisfaction of ethnocultural and educational needs of representatives of various nations is being implemented. Only in the past four years, about 350 books in languages of ethnic communities, including textbooks, dictionaries, books for children and fine literature, were issued. Over 1.4 thousand of periodicals are issued in languages of national minorities, including 1.3 thousand in Russian. Bulletins Aragats (Armenian community), Concordia, (Rumanian community), Yevreyskiye Vesti (Jewish community), Roden Kray (Bulgarian community), Dziennik Kijowski (Polish community) are issued as supplements to Holos Ukrayiny newspaper.

The Integral Actions Aimed at the Development of Cultures of National Minorities of Ukraine for the Period till the Year 2001 provide for the organisation of the scientific research into problems of the ethnocultural development of national minorities, the implementation of cultural, educational, information and publishing measures aimed at the satisfaction of spiritual needs of representatives of various ethnical groups, training of specialists from among representatives of national minorities.

The objective of the Integral Actions is to create proper conditions for the preservation and development of the culture of ethnic communities as a component of the Ukrainian culture, the harmonic combination of interests of the Ukrainian nation, native ethnical groups and national minorities, which will contribute to the consolidation of the society.

Scientific Research into Problems of the Ethnocultural
Development of National Minorities of Ukraine

Create the information data bank on the cultural and education needs of national minorities of Ukraine, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture, National Academy of Sciences, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations together with national cultural societies 1999

Organise the creative laboratory �In the commonwealth of nations and nationalities� State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture with the involvement of national cultural societies. 2001

Foster the organisation of scientific expeditions for collecting and collating folklore of national minorities in places of their compact residence. National Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Culture, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations 1999-2001

Conduct scientific research into the ethnocultural needs of national minorities of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration 1999-2001

Carry out the research into problems of the �Sociocultural Development of National Minorities of Ukraine�. Organise a scientific and practical conference as a result of the research. National Academy of Sciences, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture, Vinnytsia, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Odessa, Poltava, Rivne, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi oblast and Kyiv city state administrations 1999-2000

Organise international, pan-Ukrainian conferences, symposia, seminars, round tables dedicated to problems of the development of cultures of national minorities of Ukraine State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture, Central Archive Administration under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations together with national cultural societies 1999-2000

Monitor the needs of ethnic communities, for instance, Hagauz, Assyrian, Sinti and Roma in order to take them into consideration in the course of the implementation of the state ethnic policy of Ukraine State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, National Academy of Sciences, oblast state administration, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 1999-2001

Training of Specialists from among Representatives of National Minorities Consider interests of national minorities, while concluding international agreements on the co-operation in the field of culture, publishing, human resource development, information support, youth, family, women and minors policy, tourism, physical culture and sports Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture, Ministry for Families and Youth, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Education, State Committee for Tourism, State Committee for Sports, National Academy of Sciences 1999-2001

Ensure training of national specialists for the pedagogic, cultural/education and other spheres via a network state-owned and non-state educational institutions. Support national minorities in training the specialists in other countries on the basis of interstate agreements, given the current demand of the Ukrainian state for such specialists. Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs with involvement of national cultural societies 1999-2001

Continue setting up specialised groups and departments under higher education institutions in the field of culture and art for re-training and qualification improvement of specialists in the field of the culture and art of national minorities to satisfy the needs of national minorities. Ministry of Culture, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration. 1999-2001

Foster the preservation and expansion of the network of educational institutions with teaching in national languages in regions of the compact residence of national minorities, the establishment of national culture universities and Sunday schools for teaching languages, literature and history of national minorities. Ministry of Education, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations together with national cultural societies 1999-2001

Train specialists for theatres of national minorities in I.K. Karpenko-Karyi Kyiv State Theatre Institute Ministry of Culture, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast state administration with the involvement of national culture societies 1999-2001

Study the opportunity of setting up specialised groups on the basis of educational institutions in the field of culture and art for training guides (guides-interpreters) for providing the information and organising excursions in territories of the compact residence of national minorities. Supplement the manuals for guides (guides-interpreters) with the information on national minorities of Ukraine. State Committee for Tourism, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture. 1999

Develop scientifically justified standards of teaching the Ukrainian language in schools with national minorities� languages of teaching; prepare the required curricula. Ministry of Education 1999

Prepare curricula, textbooks, dictionaries, conversation guides for the study of languages of national minorities and provide the pre-school establishments, general education and Sunday schools working in places of the compact residence of national minorities with them. Ministry of Education, National Academy of Sciences, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast state administrations with the involvement of national cultural societies. 1999-2001

Continue the work on holding annual school, district, regional and national games and contests in native language, literature and history. Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations with the involvement of national cultural societies 1999-2001

Cultural and Education Activities of National Minorities of Ukraine The following shall be established in order to satisfy the spiritual needs of national minorities: National Minority Cultures Centre of Ukraine in the city of Kyiv State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Kyiv city state administration, Ministry of Culture 2000

centres of national cultures and folklore/ethnographic centres in oblasts and regions of compact residence of national minorities Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Sevastopol city state administration, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture with the involvement of national cultural societies 1999-2001

house of folk craft and museum of paintings, art and crafts of Transcarpathia Zakarpattia oblast state administration, Ministry of Culture with the involvement of national cultural societies 2000

Jewish culture museum and Sholom-Aleikhem apartment museum in the city of Kyiv Kyiv city state administration with the involvement of the Jewish Council of Ukraine 1999

Organisational and methodological assistance with the establishment and operation of following troupes shall be provided:

Rumanian folk music and dance ensemble under Chernivtsi state philharmonic society Chernivtsi oblast state administration, Ministry of Culture 2000-2001

Bulgarian oblast theatre in the city of Odessa Odessa oblast state administration, Ministry of Culture, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration 1999-2000

Study the opportunity of establishing the State Jewish Theatre Ministry of Culture, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Kyiv City State Administration with the involvement of the Jewish Council of Ukraine 1999-2000

Support national cultural societies of Ukraine in holding cultural and art festivals, contests, concerts, days of national cultures, exhibitions of art, crafts and paintings. Assist with setting up the amateur troupes of ethnic communities and procuring national costumes, musical instruments, technical and lighting equipment. State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast state administrations 1999-2001

Organise the celebration in Ukraine of memorable events in the history of cultures of national minorities, life and creative work of prominent writers and artists. Continue the practice of holding Days of the Ukrainian Culture in historical homelands of national minorities residing in Ukraine. State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations together with national cultural societies 1999-2001

Support cultural and artistic events dedicated to native ethnical groups residing in Ukraine in connection with the International Native People Decade declared by the UN. State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, National Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Information, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations 1999-2001

Initiate holding the following events once in three years:

pan-Ukrainian contest of collectors of the folklore materials related to traditions, customs and rites, folk crafts of national minorities of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Culture, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, oblast state administrations together with national cultural societies 1999

fairs and exhibitions of books published in Ukraine in languages of national minorities. The best books should be presented at international book fairs. Ministry of Information, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, State Agency for Copyright and Neighbouring Rights 2000-2001

Establish the pan-Ukrainian literature and art prize for highly artistic works being a ponderable contribution into the spiritual revival of national minorities, the development of their literature, art and culture. State Committee for Nationalities and Migration with the involvement of Union of Writers of Ukraine, Council of Creative Unions of Ukraine 1999

Develop a programme of setting up the computer bank of documents on the history, culture and art of national minorities stored in state archives of Ukraine. Central Archive Administration under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations 2001

Take measures aimed at the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of national minorities, support the return of their cultural valuables in Ukraine. Ensure the state protection of historical and cultural monuments, the perpetuation of the memory of the prominent cultural and art workers of national minorities of Ukraine. Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture, State Agency for Copyright and Neighbouring Rights 1999-2001

Support the expansion of the network of clubs, sports sections and hobby groups dedicated to folk and national sports State Committee for Sports, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations 1999-2001

Mass Media Publishing

Broaden the range of topics and increase the amount of programmes dedicated to the history and the development of cultures of national minorities of Ukraine on the state and local television and radio State Committee for Television and Radio, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration with the involvement of national cultural societies 1999-2000

Develop a prospective plan of creating feature, chronicle, documentary, popular science cinema, television and video films on the life of national minorities of Ukraine. Ministry of Culture, State Committee for Television and Radio, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration. 1999

Support Ukrkinokhronika film studio in issuing the series of films �Nationalities of Ukraine� State Committee for Television and Radio, Ministry of Culture, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration together with national cultural societies 1998-2001

Practice holding the annual television and radio festival of cultures of national minorities of Ukraine �Ukrayina-Ridnyi Krai (Ukraine is our Motherland)� State Committee for Television and Radio, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Ministry of Culture 1999-2001

Ensure the implementation of the State Subject Programme of Publishing the Literature in Languages of National Minorities of Ukraine Ministry of Information, Ministry of Education, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration 1999-2001

Provide comprehensive support to mass periodicals designed to satisfy the demands of ethnic minorities of Ukraine, hold annual contests for the best publications covering the cultural and artistic life of national minorities of Ukraine Ministry of Information, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, State Agency for Copyright and Neighbouring Rights with the involvement of national cultural societies Ongoing

Support the replenishment of the stock of oblast, district and village libraries with the literature in languages of national minorities Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Information, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administration 1999-2001

Establish exhibitions and stands on the history of national minorities in local historical, local-lore, folklore and ethnographic museums; organise the exchange of exhibitions of paintings, art and crafts between Ukraine and homelands of national minorities of Ukraine. Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations 1999-2001

Publish the following in order to satisfy the cultural and educational needs of ethnic minorities: encyclopaedic dictionaries, a series of travel guides and booklets on the history and culture of national minorities using the materials from archives of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, Central Archive Administration, Ministry of Culture, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, oblast, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations together with national cultural societies 1999-2001

a series of bibliographies dedicated to the prominent representatives of national minorities of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration 1999-2001

repertory collections of the musical and choreographic works for the amateur troupes and scenarios of folk feasts in languages of national minorities Ministry of Information, Ministry of Culture 1999-2001

Organise annual contests for the best research works, articles, essays on the problems of the ethnocultural development, publications of works of music and literature, the best newspapers and magazines in languages of national minorities. Ministry of Information, State Committee for Nationalities and Migration 1999-2001

Source: Unofficial translation