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On General Secondary Education

Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny, 1999, issue 28, page 230

Changed and amended according to Law of Ukraine #1642-III (1642-14) of 06 April 2000

This Law defines the legal, organisational and financial principles of the operation and development of the general secondary education system, which supports the free development of a human personality, forms values of the democratic society governed by law in Ukraine.


Article 1. Legislation of Ukraine on the General Secondary Education

The legislation of Ukraine on the general secondary education is based upon the Constitution of Ukraine ( 254k/96-VR ) and consists of the Law of Ukraine �On Education� (1060-12), this Law, other regulatory acts and international treaties of Ukraine accepted as binding by the Supreme Council (Parliament) of Ukraine.


Article 3. General Secondary Education


The general secondary education shall be aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development of a personality by means of teaching and education based upon values common to the whole mankind and principles of the scientific, multicultural, secular, systemic, integrative character of the education, the integration of teaching and education, the fundamentals of humanism, democracy, civic conscience, mutual respect among nations and ethnic groups in the interests of a person, family, society and the state.


Article 5. Goals of the General Secondary Education

The goals of the general secondary education shall be as follows:

- to educate a citizen of Ukraine;

- to shape the personality of a schoolchild (pupil), to develop his abilities and endowments, the scientific perception of the world;

- to meet requirements of the State General Secondary Education Standard, to prepare schoolchildren (pupils) to the further education and employment;

- to develop among schoolchildren (pupils) the respect towards the Constitution of Ukraine, state symbols of Ukraine, rights and freedoms of a person and citizen, the feeling of dignity and liability for own actions by law, the conscientious attitude to duties of a person and citizen;

- to implement the right of schoolchildren (pupils) to the free development of political and social convictions;

- to develop the respectful attitude to the family, the respect toward folk traditions and customs, the state and native language, national values of the Ukrainian nation, and other ethnic groups and nations;


Article 6. Acquirement of the Full General Secondary Education

1. Citizens of Ukraine regardless of their race, skin colour, political, religious and other convictions, sex, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence, linguistic and other characteristics shall enjoy the accessible and free full general secondary education in state and community-owned educational institutions.


4. Foreigners and stateless individuals sojourning in Ukraine legally shall acquire the full general secondary education according to the procedure specified for citizens of Ukraine.


Article 7. Language (Languages) of Teaching and Education in General Education Institutions

The language (languages) of teaching and education in general education institutions shall be determined according to the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine �On Languages in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic�.


Article 11. Establishment, Reorganisation and Liquidation of a General Education Institution

1. State and community-owned general education institutions shall be established by the central, local executive agencies or local self-administration bodies respectively taking into account the social/economic, national, cultural/educational and linguistic needs subject to the availability of the required number of schoolchildren (pupils) according to the specified target numbers of schoolchildren in classes, the required material, technical, scientific and methodological basis, and the pedagogic staff according to the procedure specified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.


Article 29. Rights and Obligations of Parents or Their Substitutes


2. Parents or their substitutes shall be obliged:


- develop the respect toward national, historical and cultural values of the Ukrainian nation, the careful attitude to the historical and cultural heritage, and the environment, the love to Ukraine.


L.eonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine
City of Kyiv, 13 May 1999

Source: Unofficial translation