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#B-350-35 of 13 July 1999
City of Kyiv

vd990713 vnB-350-35

Having considered the letter on the alteration of the nationality received from the editorial office of Yurydychnyi Visnyk Ukrayiny newspaper, I inform as follows:

The current legislation does not provide for the alteration of the nationality, because the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 31 December 1991 “On Procedure of the Nationality Alteration by Citizens of Ukraine” (24/91) became null and void (according to Decree of the President of Ukraine #70/99 of 27 January 1999).

Civilian registry offices, in accordance with Regulations on the Procedure of the Alteration, Restoration and Annulment of Civil Status Records, the Procedure of and Time for the Storage of Act Books approved by resolution of the board of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of 14 April 1993 (v0006323-93) shall alter the civil status records subject to the availability of relevant documents provided that errors took place at the time of the registration of the civil status act (distortion, omission of the information or individual words).

The refusal of the civilian registry office to introduce changes may be appealed against in the court at the place of residence.

V. Birchenko,
Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine

Yurydychnyi Visnyk Ukrayiny, issue 30, 29 July 1999

Source: Unofficial translation