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of March 24, 1992

on the organisation of educational programmes enabling minority pupils to retain their sense of national, ethnic and linguistic identity


1. Public pre-schools and schools shall provide for pupils conditions to retain their sense of national, ethnic and linguistic identity, as well as their own history and culture.

2. The conditions of paragraph 1 shall be created in the course of generally accessible curricular or extracurricular instruction.



1. Native language instruction for minority pupils as well as other classes outlined in paragraph 2 will be organised on a volunteer basis. These classes shall be organised by the school (pre-school) principal at the request of the parents or legal guardians. If students above the elementary level express a desire to participate in such classes, the students themselves may submit this request.



A minority native language class (section) may be organised if as least 7 elementary school pupils from one class or 14 upper-level pupils declare an interest in forming such a class.


1. If the number of children declaring an interest is less than the number in § 6, native language classes can be organised with students from different grades or class sections, subject to the following:

1) a class composed of pupils from different sections (for example third-grades from section A and B) must have at least 7 pupils.

2) a class composed of pupils from different grades (for example second and third grade) will function as a combination class and should have at least 3 but no more than 14 pupils.

3) if a single pupil from one class declares an interest in participating in native language instruction, he or she may attend class together with a bilingual class or a combination class.

2. If it is impossible to organise a native language class because of an insufficient number of children or lack of teachers, the school principal shall draw up a list of children who have declared an interest in native language education and present it to the appropriate educational authorities. They in turn will organise intra-school groups for native language education, taking into consideration transportation possibilities. The number of pupils in such a group cannot be smaller than 3 and not bigger than 20.



In schools with native language instruction, report cards shall be written in Polish and in the native language.


Graduates of native language schools shall have access to upper-level Polish schools.

Source: Unofficial translation