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Article 7

(1) Everyone has the right to equal approach before the courts with an aim to protect his/her rights and legally established interests.

(2) Everyone has the right to trial which is legal, impartial, honest and in reasonable term.

(3) The right to approach the court may not be limited to anybody in case of shortage of funds.


Article 40

(1) In the process of choosing the judges and court jury, there must not be a discrimination relative to the sex, race, color of skin, national and social origin, political and religious conviction, income scale and social status.

(2) In the process of choosing the judges and court jury, without violating the criteria established by the law, a proper representation of the nationalities of the Republic of Macedonia will be provided for.


Source: Unofficial translation
"Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia", No. 36/95 and 45/95

Note: In Macedonian language the term "nationality" is used meaning "national or ethnic minority"