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On the basis of the Article 17 of Law on state administrational system ("Narodne novine", Number 75/93) and Article 19 Regulation on the content of titles of state administration bodies, local and municipal self-administration, ("Narodne novine", Number 25/94) Minister of Administration announces

Regulation for application of Decree on the content of title of state administration bodies, local and municipal self-administration

1 This Regulation prescribes of application of the Decree on the content of title of state administration bodies, local and municipal self-administration (in further text referred as Decree)

2. Ministry, state administrative agencies, county offices, offices of counties’ heads and local and municipal self-administration units (in further text referred as units) are obliged to write a content of the name tags, act headings and stamps in accordance to this Regulation.


5. Text of name tags, act headings and stamps written in the language and script of ethnic and national community or minority shall be written in the same font as text in Croatian language and Latin script.

6. Text on nametags and stamp of particular body shall be written in Helvetica, bright and half-black letters.


10. The implementation of this Regulation begins on the eight day of its publication in "Narodne novine”.

Class: 031-02/91-01/01
Urbroj : 515-01/1-94-1
Zagreb, 3 August 1994.

Minister of Administration
Davorin Mlakar

Source: Unofficial translation