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Labour Code

Promulgated - State Gazette (SG) No.26 and 27 from 1 April 1986 with many amendments, the last one from SG No.110/1999


Article 8


(3) In the exercise of labour rights and duties no discrimination, privileges or restrictions shall be allowed on grounds of ethnicity, origin, sex, race, political and religious convictions, affiliation to trade union and other public organisations and movements, social and property status.


Article 173

(1) The annual paid leave shall be used by the employee with the written permission of the employer.

(2) In the case of employees who profess a creed other than the Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the employer shall permit them to use, by their own choice, part of their annual paid leave, or grant them an unpaid leave under Article 160, para 1, on the days of the respective religious holidays, but not more than the number of days for the Eastern Orthodox Christian holidays under Article 154.

(3) The days for the religious holidays of the creeds other than the Eastern Orthodox Christianity shall be specified by the Council of Ministers upon the proposal of the official leadership of the relevant creed.


Source: Unofficial translation