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Law for the Degree of Education, the General Education Minimum, and the Education Plan

Promulgated - State Gazette (SG) No.67 from 27 July 1999


Article 8

(1) The general education shall be determined by the designation of the Bulgarian school to ensure for each Bulgarian citizen the opportunity to develop him/herself.

(2) The general education shall be built on the principles of respecting:

1. the basic human rights;
2. the child's rights;
3. the traditions of the Bulgarian culture and education;
4. the achievements of world culture;
5. the values of the civil society;
6. the freedom of consciousness and the freedom of thought.

Article 9

The basic objectives of the general education shall be:

1. to cooperage for the physical and spiritual development of the student, for his/her successful orientation, adaptation and realisation in the society.
2. to create conditions for the formation of value orientations connected with the feeling of Bulgarian national identity, respect to the other, commiseration and civil responsibility;
3. to create conditions for development of needs, interests and intentions for studying and for education and self improvement during the whole life.

Article 10

The general education in the Bulgarian school shall be implemented by studying subjects grouped in the following cultural - education fields:

1. Bulgarian language and literature;
2. foreign languages;
3. mathematics, informatics and information technologies;
4. social sciences and civil education;
5. natural sciences and ecology;
6. arts;
7. household and technologies;
8. physical education and sports.


Article 15

(1) The structure of the education plan shall comprise three types of education: compulsory, obligatory selectable and freely selectable.

(2) The compulsory education shall ensure the achievement of the general education minimum.

(3) The obligatory selectable education shall ensure additional education within the framework of study subjects of the cultural - education fields of art. 10, corresponding to the interests and the individual capabilities of the students. In the obligatory selectable education shall be included the studying of the mother tongue according to Art. 8, para 2 of the National Education Act.

(4) The freely selectable education shall ensure education in fields and activities proposed by the school and chosen by the students which could be also outside of the cultural - education fields of art. 10. It shall be with duration up to four study hours weekly for all years according to the education plan and is not compulsory for the students.


Source: Unofficial translation