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Decree No.4 from 2 September 1999 for the general educational minimum and the distribution of the school hours

Promulgated - State Gazette (SG) No.80/1999 Amended - SG No.18/2000

Article 1

General educational program shall be realized through school subjects in the cultural-educational spheres envisaged in Art. 10 of the Law for the Degree of Education, the General Education Minimum, and the Education Plan and regulated by Annex 1.


Article 5

(1) School hours for obligatory selectable program ensure conditions for educational preparation in addition to the general educational minimum on the educational subjects and for the study of mother tongue by respecting the right of the students to choose.


Article 21

School hours for freely selectable program ensure conditions for education outside of the cultural-educational spheres envisaged in Art. 10 of the Law for the Degree of Education, the General Education Minimum, and the Education Plan, including religion.


Annex 1

Distribution of school hours by subjects

Obligatory selectable program - 1 grade - 62 hours; 2 grade - 64 hours; 3 grade - 80 hours; 4 grade - 80 hours; 5 grade - 119 hours; 6 grade - 119 hours; 7 grade - 102 hours; 8 grade - 102 hours; 9 grade - 180 hours; 10 grade - 432 hours; 11 grade - 792 hours; 12 grade - 806 hours.


Source: Unofficial translation