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Republic of Lithuania

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Vilnius, April 16, 1993

Dear Mr. Van der Stoel,

Thank you very much for your kind letter of 5 March 1993 as well as for the sympathetic evaluation of the situation in Lithuania. I hope your valuable opinion will produce a major impact in clarifying overall policies of the Baltic States with regard to national minorities and remove causes for unnecessary tensions.

Allow me to touch upon your suggestion concerning the creation of the office of an Ombudsman. I was particularly interested in this idea and after thorough considerations we have arrived to the following conclusions.

According to the Article 73 of the Lithuanian Constitution offices of Seimas controllers will be established with the mandate to "examine complaints of citizens concerning the abuse of powers by and bureaucracy of, State and local government officers (with the exception of judges). Controllers shall have the right to submit proposals to the court to dismiss guilty officers from their posts".

I could convey to your notion, that drafters of the Constitutions were very impressed by Scandinavian experience of Ombudsmen activities, and this Article 73 is an attempt to reflect this experience in our presently reformed state governing system. Although differing in names of offices and varying in details of mandate, the idea of officials taking care of public complaints remains very much the same, corresponding thus to large extent to your suggestion.

The said Article 73 also sets forth that the powers of controllers shall be established by law. Due to immense amount of legislatory job, this law has not been adopted yet. Nonetheless, I am confident, that respective committees of Selmas will not allow it to be delayed, and, as soon as the first draft will appear, it will be my pleasure to send it to you for your comments.

Wishing you all the best in your difficult mission, I remain,

Sincerely yours,

Povilas GYLYS